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Feb 1, 20242 min read
#KoraliReview - Nazimbe's Watercolour Journals at the NAG
Nazimbe with his paintings: Photo credit Shaari. Take a hike Edgelords, this exhibition isn’t going to curb your teen angst – come back...

Aishath Aboobakr
Jan 25, 20242 min read
What a Bad Idea: when an idea is 'bad'.
When is an idea 'bad'? Does it have anything to do with its truth content, perceived and actual? Read more on Korali.

Kareen Adam
Dec 28, 20237 min read
A Walk in the Park
The gate to Lonuziyaaraiy Park. It was a beautiful day today and I caught up with a friend after a long time. We decided to go for a...

Aishath Aboobakr
Dec 21, 20232 min read
#Opinion - On the Role of the Critic
A house in Male - credit unknown. To step back and take the world into account, that’s the lot of the critic. Now imagine a life that is...

Korali Staff
Jul 26, 20212 min read
The Flags of Our Past
The Maldivian flag owes its origins to the plain red ensigns of the Arab trading ships which poured out of the Arabian Peninsula and East...

Korali Staff
Jun 10, 20212 min read
8 Bizarre Superstitions of the Maldives
Our Dhivehi society is rich in good and bad omens, some have been discarded and forgotten while others have survived and can be heard...

Ijunad Junaid
May 24, 20213 min read
Seeking Spirit
Seeking spirit during dark times is a rebellious act. As we lose our connection to community, love, and the earth, our instinct forces us...

Korali Staff
May 3, 20215 min read
Stranger than Fiction Folk Tales: Huvadhoo
Marhaba, and welcome to the (terribly overdue) third edition of our folklore series. Created to help preserve an integral part of Dhivehi...

Korali Staff
Apr 6, 20213 min read
Mosques, Mandalas, and the Uncertainty of Our Roots
Our ancient past has always had a quality of ambiguity, a perpetual shroud hanging over it borne by our own disinterest in the history of...

Korali Staff
Sep 16, 20192 min read
The Evolution of Dhivehi Bas
Dhivehi bas is classified as an Indo-Aryan or Indic language, stemming from the branches of Proto-Indo-Iranian and Proto-Indo-European....

Korali Staff
Aug 10, 20192 min read
Pyrard de Laval's Eid in the Maldives
François Pyrard de Laval, a French navigator, arrived in the Maldives in 1602 when his ship Corbin beached upon a reef in Baa Atoll....

Korali Staff
Sep 28, 20184 min read
Tomorrow is Now! Our Individual Responsibility in Societal Change
Whether or not you're a fervent follower of politics, there’s no doubt that the past week has been a tumultuous firestorm for all of us....

Naifa Zahir
Sep 9, 20185 min read
Eid Kulhivaru, and the Origins of Bodumas
Eid holidays have almost always brought a great sense of freedom for me, I think it does for all of us. Eid is our version of Christmas,...

Korali Staff
Jul 29, 20183 min read
Rural and Urban Maldivian Youth Share Their Thoughts on Sex Ed
Comprehensive sexual education in the Maldives, or lack thereof, is a subject often left undiscussed in the public sphere. In a country...

Korali Staff
Jul 4, 20186 min read
The Jungle Boy & His Dream
The story begins in a hut, on the northern mainland, shadowed by an untamed forest which lay beyond its wooden walls and thatched roof;...

Anaan Bushry
Jun 29, 20185 min read
The Unexpected Struggles and Joys of Being a Young Mother
When I got married at the age of 18, this is how I pictured my future to look like. I pictured a honeymoon on the beach, sipping on a...

Korali Staff
Jun 9, 20185 min read
Stranger than Fiction Folk Tales: Addu
The corpus of Maldivian folklore, or ‘fuloaku vaahaka’ as Dhivehin call it, is a boundless wonderland of mystical treasures, hidden...

Naahy Rasheed
Jun 6, 20184 min read
Smashing the Glass Ceiling in a City Made of Concrete
feminism ˈfɛmɪnɪz(ə)m/ noun 1. the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. I am a feminist. Does this...

Korali Staff
Jun 2, 20185 min read
Stranger than Fiction Folk Tales: Fuvahmulah
Ancient Maldivian folklore is a vast body of magical fables, rife with the mighty triad of sorcery, mysticism and spirits most nefarious....
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