B: firstly, why's he got a multimedia partner AND a media partner?
A: you can't start criticising BEFORE you're in the gallery.
B: and why's there a printing partner when there's a digital partner? is it cos the digital partner isn't doing their job?
A: anyway, why should i be someone who's only into great art? why can't it be mediocre or even bad sometimes?
B: cos every piece of art must be an attempt to show the sublime.
A: who the hell said that? why impose rules on art?
B: cos if we don't we get urinals and shit in galleries. we've been there.
A: what's wrong with that? why can't people just be themselves in their work?
B: you call this painting being himself? he's written a longass and totally meaningless paragraph about the nature of time. like some kinda scientist. he's not even an artist imho.
A: and who are you whose opinion matters so much? people are coming in. people are seeing this. important people.
B: yeah but it's cos this place is right next to the park and islamee markaz. everyone would come here.
A: there's a permanent collection here too, does anyone go in there?
B: that's cos nobody knows. anyhow, i think he's just trying to sell clocks to the public with this.
A: what's wrong with that?
B: nothing, just that there's so much you could do with a subject like time. and he's picked f***ing clocks.
A: i think people go way out of their way to be subtle these days. what's the point? honestly, tell it like it is.
B: i think he's disguised his art as clocks cos who the hell looks at clocks these days?
A: people in offices.
B: exactly, who? but you know what? i honestly like this piece. the cube in the finger print. it's pretty cool.
A: that's actually the gefulhu. shows how much YOU know, mr critic.
B: whatever. it's great. i feel it.
A: do you?
B: totally. it's actually hand painted. of all the exhibits here, this is easily my fav.
A: someone's bought it. for 35k.
B: 35k? it's not even his own idea!
A: and it's more than you earn in half a year. in one single exhibit.
B: whatever. what's this one?
A: a clock behind bars. maybe time spent in prison?
B: you'd never guess what the caption says.
A: i don't want to, i can just read it.
B: do you get the sense he's on the brink of revealing something insightful?
A: yeah, your taste.
B: huh, if time was so precious, the heck are we doing here anyway?
A: you're just jealous. baachy is the consummate dhivehi artist. his shit sells because he connects, he's in touch. even assholes like you visit his exhibitions.
B: whatever. baachy sucks balls. i'm here for the lulz.
A: yeah, go write that in the guest book. for the lulz. who even says that?